Archive | December, 2010

Beauty Review: The Falsies

8 Dec


This was a complete impulse buy.  I was at the store picking up some pressed powder and saw this mascara on sale.  The tube I just bought a couple weeks ago of my usual favorite turned out to be a dud – it was missing the part that skims the brush that keeps it from being covered in goo.  So I needed a new mascara anyway and picked this one up just for fun.  I ordinarily wouldn’t have given it a second thought because the commercial seems so far fetched.  And on the off chance that it really would make me look like I was wearing false lashes – well that’s not the everyday look I’m going for.

So this morning I opened up my package of Volum’Express the Falsies mascara and put it on.  Now, usually with a new tube of mascara it takes me a few uses, a week maybe, for me to “break in” the wand and get the coverage and length I like.  Virgin wands don’t apply as much.  But this one gave me good length right off the bat, which was a nice surprise.  The small problem I’m having with it though is that instead of nice smooth lashes like other mascaras have given me, this one made my lashes kind of… jagged for a lack of better word.  It’s hard to see in the picture I just took of myself in Photo Booth, but they aren’t straight and thick like I usually like.  The length, though, is pretty awesome.

Length: A
Volume: B-
Overall: B+

Hi, Winter!

2 Dec

So it finally started snowing around here yesterday.  We got a few inches where I live, though a few miles to the south they got a few FEET.  Thankfully I wasn’t stranded like they were and hubs and I were able to enjoy a nice lunch out and some errands on our eleven-month-aversary before he had to go to work.  Anyway, yay for snow!

But knowing me, I’ll be sick of it by mid-January.  And you know my mind is always one season ahead, which means I’m actually starting to think Spring, in a very limited way.  I know, I know, I need to live in the moment, and don’t worry I am because I’m still stinkin’ excited for Christmas.  Hence The Santa Clause on TV and the pile of half-addressed Christmas cards next to me.

One of our stops today included the Yankee Candle store, because I tend to hoard them like unread books, and I wanted to find some things to put on my Christmas wish list.  They have three Spring Preview scents in stock right now (though the store I work at has five or six 😉 ) and they smell really good.  Usually I hate the flowery spring scents Yankee does, but this year they’ve got fresh and fruity ones.  Bahama Breeze smells like a fruity daiquiri, I just want to drink it up, but my absolute favorite is definitely:

Fluffy Towels!  I usually hate fake cotton scents but I am in love with this one.  They hit it spot on; it smells exactly like my grandmother’s towel closet, which is a scent I never want to forget.  It smells like my childhood when my brother and I would go spend a week or two with her in the summer.

But like I said, I’m still good with Christmas.  I bought the cutest little snowman votive holder while I was there, in fact, and I’m currently burning a Winter Wonderland votive, one of their better new scents for this holiday season.