Tag Archives: travel

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

18 Jan

And I have a problem.  I’m obsessed.  With traveling to Disney World.  When we found out we were moving to Atlanta instead of Janesville, Wisconsin my first thought was that we would be closer to WDW and we have season passes that expire this Spring.  We got them for our Honeymoon last year and went again when we were living in Miami.  The thing with Disney is that it’s like crack, or I would imagine it might be like crack because I have never actually been on drugs.  In other words: it’s addicting and consumes my a good portion of my daily thoughts.

I have the WDW blog as a subscription in my Google Reader.  I usually only skim the blog posts because most of them seem to be about products in their gift shops and vinylmation (which is a trend, like pin-trading, that I just don’t get).  But sometimes there’s actually some useful information in there – it was fun seeing the progress being made on the Disney Dream, for example.

Anyway, ten minutes ago I was reading my bloggy/Nestie friend’s blog, Happily Ever After… Married, and saw a post about Disney World.  Then I saw the full article over on the Disney blog, and well, my desire to go back has strengthened… for the year 2013.

I can’t quite picture what exactly they’re replacing with this new area, but how amazing would it be to walk through Belle’s town?  To eat in the Beasts’ castle?  The new Snow White ride sounds really fun and I give Disney a lot of props for building a second Dumbo ride.  The line for Dumbo is ridiculous(ly worth it) and that should cut the wait time in half.

I don’t know if we’ll be able to get back to WDW this Spring before our tickets expire, it’s not looking too good to be honest, but I know I’m going to try my hardest to be there in 2013 so I can see this awesome sounding new Fantasyland.